What is the WincovER Certificate
The Blind Manufacturers’ Association of Australia, through its WincovER Program, provides consumers with information about the energy performance of window coverings and outdoor sun shades. The WincovER Certified product database, accessible through this website, lists products that have been tested, simulated and rated for their energy performance so that consumers may compare between the different combinations of materials and finished product.
The WincovER Certificate contains product and rating information sourced directly from the WincovER Certified product database. The WincovER Certificate is issued by the WincovER Accredited Retailer when supplying WincovER rated products and is unique to each specific installation.
When purchasing a WincovER rated product, ask your retailer for your WincovER Certificate that contains the WincovER rating details of the product/s you are purchasing. Do keep a copy of your WincovER Certificate in a safe place for future reference.
About the information printed on the WincovER Certificate:
Each WincovER Certificate is unique to each installation, stating the address where the rated product/s have been installed and in which room/s. It also identifies the specific mode of operation which can be either:
• fixed or
• manually operated (with a cord, chain, wand, wall switch or remote control) or
• timer automated or
• sensor automated.
The number of red stars denotes the energy performance rating for heating, whilst the number of blue stars denote the energy performance rating for cooling.
For an explanation of the Optical Properties: U-value, Solar Heat Hain Coefficient and Visible Transmittance, please see the FAQs and Glossary in this website.
The Comparative Energy Performance states the % improvement for heating and % improvement for cooling, when compared with a baseline window that has no window covering nor external sun shade. The total energy consumption is simulated in a model house using generic baseline window Type D – 5mm clear glass in a standard aluminium frame, simulated with and without window coverings. Actual heating and cooling outcomes will vary depending on factors like house design, location, orientation and occupant’s lifestyle. WincovER ratings are not intended to provide information about possible reductions in energy bills.
In the WincovER Certificate, the Material Supplier states that the ratings on the Certificate conform to applicable WincovER procedures for determining whole product performance. WincovER ratings are determined for a fixed set of environmental conditions. WincovER does not recommend any product and does not warrant the suitability of any product for any specific use. Consult the Material Supplier’s literature for product performance information.
The WincovER certificate is only valid when completed in full by a WincovER Accredited Retailer.
Please note that the information contained in a WincovER Certificate is protected under the Privacy Policy published in this website.